Protect Your Interest with A Valued Living Trust Attorney

Living Trust Attorney Serving Clients Throughout California

Avoid the missteps of trust administration by getting professional advice from a legal professional, attorney Louis Pacella. His professional assistance will guide you through the necessary obligations and requirements of serving as Trustee of a Trust.

A Trust Attorney will help you answer the vital questions you may have once being named as Trustee like:
What exactly does a trustee do to perform their duties?

  • How do they begin to administer the trust?
  • How do they preserve the intention of the trust?
  • How do they protect the interests of the beneficiaries and avoid liability?
  • What is appropriate in the way of Trustee compensation?

Trustees must be able to recognize the different nuances and challenges that come with administering trusts with different types of assets with keen attention to detail.  With over a decade in practice, Louis can offer his experience and professional advice, to instruct a trustee on all aspects of administration, such as:

  • Handling of trust administration issues and challenges
  • Reducing and minimizing taxation issues
  • Identifying and eliminating legal problems affecting trusts
  • Avoiding the temptation to vary trust wishes
  • Dealing with unpleasant family dynamic issues

Understandably, most individuals are uncertain about the role of being appointed a trustee. Inadvertently at times they take actions that result in unnecessary costs or compromise the trust’s intention because the trustee is unaware of how to properly carry out the terms of the trust. This can leave them personally accountable for an unintentional mishap. By consulting with Louis Pacella as your legal trust counsel you can avoid those potential pitfalls that can be both stressful and costly


Contact Louis an expert living trust attorney to review any aspect of trust administration in a free initial consultation. Call 818-614-9245 or e-mail us, right away.